Thursday, February 11, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

1) Hi, my name is Jason Horecky. I'm a 20 year old sophomore that is majoring in business management! I am extremely talented at producing music, playing tennis, sleeping and making people happy! I interned at shands hospital last semester and I worked with doctors on a more efficient and safe cure for dysentery. My aspirations are to work as hard as possible in whatever life throws at me and to become as successful as possible. I also want to run my own business at some point in the future. Specifically regarding the business concept, I can see this business blowing up around the world and making me a lot of money!

2) My app shows all available parking spots around your area and clearly marks them to save time from driving around everywhere. There are also more features to this app which include showing capacities for parking garages as well as showing tow away zones to make sure you know you wont get towed!

3) I'm offering it for FREE to all people who have a car. Which is a large percentage of people! I first thought about only offering it to UF students, but if this app gets actually created i'd want it to get as global as possible! Currently there are over 1.2 billion cars in the world so that seems like a large enough market to me!

4) Like I stated before, I want this app to be free. So if it helps people in just the slightest amount to find a parking spot easier especially on crowded days, then people should in theory download it! I'll get money off of ad revenue regardless.

5) Currently I don't see an app on the app store that is like anything I've explained or else I'd have it already! So it seems like that sets me apart already!

I think that these five elements do fit together very well. I think that I have a very good idea that I should implement as soon as I can so that someone doesn't come up with it before me!! But I do think that with time i'll add more features that people want in the app. I will read all the feedback that I receive from the app and make it exactly what people want it to be! I think it would be a big hit.


  1. Nice job, Jason! I would love to eventually see this app on the app store! It is such a struggle to find parking on campus and it's come to a point where I don't even attempt to drive my car anymore. I've resorted to just walking through campus to get where I need to be and sometimes it's really rough when a thunderstorm decides to strike. If your app could save me from walking into another interview drenched by the rain, I would recommend your business to everyone I know. Way to go! Here's mine:

  2. I think the problem you have defined and are looking to solve should have gone on my bug list. I get very frustrated circling around parking lots like a vulture waiting and searching for a parking spot. Your app would definitely help curb those frustrations. This sounds like a feature that could also be integrated into vehicle GPS systems in order to stay hands free while driving. Good thinking! Check out my idea

  3. Hi Jason, I agree with the above comments that this is a very innovative idea and definitely a problem solver. I noticed that you did not list computer programming or anything "techie" on your list of personal attributes. Do or did you have someone in IT advise you of exactly what's involved with creating and maintaining this app? I ask because there are some really great ideas related to computer technology, and you should be sure to align yourself with a trustworthy IT person(s) as you are creating this app! I like how you mentioned future plans to add more features to the app and expand globally...that will be good for your business plan, and in particular, when you are raising capital to get this thing off the ground. Good luck!!! I've owned a construction business for the past several decades with my spouse. Here's the link to my post:

  4. Hi Jason, I agree with the above comments that this is a very innovative idea and definitely a problem solver. I noticed that you did not list computer programming or anything "techie" on your list of personal attributes. Do or did you have someone in IT advise you of exactly what's involved with creating and maintaining this app? I ask because there are some really great ideas related to computer technology, and you should be sure to align yourself with a trustworthy IT person(s) as you are creating this app! I like how you mentioned future plans to add more features to the app and expand globally...that will be good for your business plan, and in particular, when you are raising capital to get this thing off the ground. Good luck!!! I've owned a construction business for the past several decades with my spouse. Here's the link to my post:
