Sunday, February 21, 2016

Free Money

STRATEGY FOR THIS EXERCISE: I walked around my neighborhood and approached 5 random people and gave them each a dollar. To start the conversation I just went up to them with a dollar bill and told them to take it. My plan for the conversation was to just give them the dollar and if they refuse it I would just say "Its to make you happy!" I'm pretty sure i'll give out all 5 dollars.

After completing this exercise I did successfully give out all five of my dollars. I actually really liked this exercise because it made everyone happy that I gave my dollars to! It was actually alot easier to give out my dollar to strangers. Some people responded with "Why??" and "Umm what?" but after I said "Its cause its a happy sunday!" or "I just want to make you happy!" then they took the money! My predictions were in fact correct! I think that I assumed that people would just be too
weirded" out and not take my dollar but after I said it was to make them happy they took it right away! This was a really fun exercise I'm really glad I did it!


  1. Hey Jason,
    Your videos were highly entertaining. I commend you on your tactic of commenting on people's clothing in order to break the ice and spark a conversation. The two videos made me laugh and I want to thank you for showing me that this assignment can be fun to do. I didn't do this assignment but it looks like you succeeded in doing your assignment.

  2. I like the fact that you said it was to make you happy. I thought that was a very sweet and genuine idea. I think if I would have done that I would have creeped out a lot less people. Your strategy is great and I also really liked this exercise as well. When you get the chance you can check out my video here:

  3. I really loved your videos! Saying the money was to make them happy definitely helped you get rid of all five dollars. If someone had sad that to me i would take the money too. I gave away all of my dollar bills but my approach was totally different, money is money i don't know why anybody would turn it down.
