Sunday, February 14, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 3

So this is what I had on my note-card just so you guys can read it too if you want. "Alright so here is my idea, an app that you use while driving that shows you all available parking spots in an area. By keeping your "gps" on this app will tack your car and once you get in a spot it will turn red on the app. This will notify all other users of the app that that certain spot has been taken. All available spots are marked with a green square to show you which spots are open around you. Also there will be tow away zones clearly marked so you never get "accidentally" towed. All parking garages will be clearly shown and their capacity will be noted. This will allow you to find your spot as easily as possible. 

I asked a little more in-depth questions that I didn't add to last assignment. I learned a lot though these interviews though. I decided to just write it out on a notecard and give it to them and just ask their opinion on my updated idea! They all gave good honest feedback and yet again I got all positive reactions from these people. It also got me actually thinking about how I can implement the whole "mark every parking spot in gainesville" aspect of it. I think the key is to use satellites and cameras as well as getting people to help me map out certain places in a town! I'm going to keep doing extensive research on this because I know this is still not a real app that has been made yet and i'd love to actually create this.


  1. Jason,
    It was encouraging to see everyone give you positive feedback for your idea. I think you did a great job of just letting each individual read the card, and then give their immediate responses. For this app to work the way it is, essentially everyone would have to have it. Just a thought... there is an app out there right now that displays gas prices at all gas stations. Users of the app input the prices of stations that they pass, for all other to see. They get their users to do this through incentives. If you upload a price, you get put into a chance to win a gas gift card. The more you upload, the more chances you have. Perhaps you could use some sort of incentive system for your app's users. Feel free to check out my customer interviews at:

  2. Hey Jason! I loved this idea! I can imagine why everyone gave you positive feedback, because it's such a cool idea! It would make parking in this town so much easier, because it's a nightmare right now. You should definitely look into how you can create this app, because like your interviews, I think everyone will respond positively. You should check out my blog!
