Sunday, February 28, 2016

Half-way Reflection

In these past two months I've learned a copious amount about entrepreneurship. Being tenacious is absolutely a necessary skill to be a successful entrepreneur. Keeping up with the requirements of this course has been hard but I have done it flawlessly. I make sure and keep a calendar on my wall with all the due dates for all the assignments and I make sure to leave enough time to make sure that I'll finish everything on time. There were times where I thought I didn't have enough time to finish an assignment and instead of just letting the assignment pass and losing the 1 point, I would sit down and make sure I got it done in time. As long as you put your mind to something, you can get it done. Some tips to give about being tenacious would be to focus all your time and energy into finishing whatever assignment you have to do. Also in this class there are a lot of times where you will be forced out of your comfort zone and you just have to do it. You can't live your life in fear. You have to blossom like a flower and grow to your full potential. Also another tip to developing the tenacious mindset would have to be that you just have to know that whatever you do in life, no matter what it is, you are going to fail and even have bad days, but you just have to man up and get through them no matter what. If you get through the bad days you will for sure have good days just around the corner!
Being tenacious is a MAJOR key to success.


  1. Jason,

    I opened up your blog and immediately smiled at your graphic, great job in incorporating the major key to success :). You seem very approachable and I enjoyed reading your half way reflection. I am proud of you that you don't let points in this class slip up here for there because you don't think you will have time. I am a perfectionist, so I write down all of the due dates in my planner, and am also sure that I don't miss deadlines. I am glad there is someone else out there who uses a wall calendar to stay organized. I also liked your tips to just go for out of comfort zone experiences. You can't live in fear of everything. Great reflection! I wish you the best of luck for the rest of the semester! Here is my reflection if you get a chance to read it:

  2. Many of the blog posts I have read mirror your sentiment on keeping up with the course work. I wrote the same thing in mine. Getting out of the comfort zone has been the achilles heel for me. It’s not easy to go up and talk to strangers. Your graphic is great, by the way. It made me laugh as soon as I opened your post. You can find my post at the following link:
