Sunday, January 17, 2016

Bug List

1. Someone who lies to me.
This bug exists because that person is now untrustworthy to you
Answer: Many reasons. Anything from people lying to get an upper hand over someone to people lying to get out of things.

2. Somebody answering their cellphone mid conversation with you
This bug exists because that person seems like you're conversation meant nothing to them.
Answer: Maybe they needed to answer an extremely important phone call? Maybe it was a job interview? A loved one got injured? Depends on the situation if it's ok or not but it still bugs me.

3. Body odor
This bug exists because I guess some people can't wash their clothes, shower, or put on deodorant.
Answer: The answer is that people should smell their clothes often and be reasonable if you actually smell bad. Also daily deodorant is a good thing too.

4. Bad service at a restaurant
This bug exists because I came all the way to your restaurant to get food, not to wait thirty minutes in a booth by myself.
Answer: Sometimes the staff has just a few people working the kitchen at a time and if the restaurant is packed that day then consequently, it'll take longer for people to get their food.

5. Getting caught in the rain without an umbrella
This bug exists because mother nature does what she wants and can make rain happen whenever so sometimes us humans aren't prepared.
Answer: Maybe carry a little pocket umbrella or a rain jacket. Also always double check the weather.

6. Borrowed things not returned
This bug exists because either people forget that they borrowed something or they "forget" that they borrowed something.
Answer: Sometimes people just merely forget that they borrowed something. It's always ok to ask them personally and see if they still have it.

7. Borrowed things returned broken
This bug exists because sometimes accidents happen, its just a pain to rebuy something you didn't have to.
Answer: Just be careful with things you borrow because they aren't yours.

8. When people smoke cigarettes next to you
This bug exists because people who smoke cigarettes are most likely addicted to them and therefore will smoke more.
Answer: Stop smoking cigarettes, there is so much info on how bad they are for you so why do them.

9. Catching a cold
This bug exists because in this world there are viruses and bacteria that make you sick.
Answer: Stay clean, stay healthy, stay active, and take your vitamins!

10. Being coughed on/sneezed on
This bug exists because people are inconsiderate of your location when they cough or sneeze.
Answer: Put your elbow up to your mouth and cough there to not get it out everywhere.

11. High gas prices
This bug exists because the gas price does fluctuate around a lot and people don't want to pay more than they have to.
Answer: Change to an electric car!

12. High food prices
This bug exists because some chefs make amazing dishes worth a pretty penny.
Answer: If you are really worrying about food prices you can go to Yelp and check and see which place has less "dollar signs."

13. Waiting in line at the DMV
This is a bug because for some reason there are rarely ever people in them, yet they take an hour to seat you.
Answer: Maybe call in advance and make an appointment.

14. The power going out
This is a bug because in our generation we rely so much on power that when it goes it we can't do anything.
Answer: External power source/Generator.

15. Having to sit at a red light with no cars coming
This is a bug because clearly it is OK for me to go, yet it would be breaking the law.
Answer: I think this will continue to be a bug until the traffic light system advances and fixes this.

16. Delayed plane departures
This is a bug because you are trying to get to another place fast, yet its taking forever. Things you booked to do that day might have to be postponed or cancelled.
Answer: Get a private jet or choose a better airline.

17. People driving too close behind you
This is a bug because some people are so impatient driving that they have to urge you on to go faster by riding right behind you.
Answer: The "late" person should just schedule their time better so that they don't have to rush through traffic to get to where they need to be.

18. Poor customer service
This is a bug because some services are lazy or their employees don't really know what they are doing.
Answer: Report that right to the management so that they can either educate them better or replace them with better workers.

19. The nation's obsession over Z-list celebrities
This is a bug because in my opinion, they will probably never know your name or who you are, yet you spend all your time obsessing over their lives.
Answer: Focus on your own life first and foremost. It really doesn't matter what dog Leonardo DiCaprio is buying today at the pet store.

20. People who complain about their weight, yet never do anything about it
This is a bug because some people just want to stay unhappy about their physical appearance.
Answer: It's really not that hard to take some time out of your day everyday to work out. It's good for you.

This assignment was actually really interesting to me. I've never been asked to list personal "bugs" before and I really enjoyed thinking about these. I rarely ever think about what "bugs" me, and I've never even thought about WHY those things actually bug me. At the beginning I was a little unsure of how to word this or how to answer the "why" question, but as I kept going I understood what was going on a little better and got a lot better at it! I had a little trouble on number 5 because getting caught in the rain really bugs me but it's hard to come up with an actual answer for something so spontaneous. I'm usually a very happy and positive person so thinking about these showed me a lot of things actually "bug" me!


  1. I can definitely relate to some of the bugs you have listed Jason. I think you came up with 20 bugs that people can relate to no matter where they are located. No one likes to be lied to, or receive poor customer service or delayed plane departures. I also had difficulty thinking of what "bugs" me because I never really gave it much thought to think about or even find out why.

