Sunday, January 24, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities

Title: Politicians say Miami ‘slums' prove need for new laws

Miami slums are in such bad conditions while the landlords of these places are still being protected by the state of Florida. Police say that "new laws need to be enacted now."

Florida landlords are taking advantage of Florida laws being in their favor and leaving these places to run down while also cashing in as much money as possible from these poor home owners.

The police have the problem because right now because of the way the laws are set up right now in the state of Florida, these scummy landlords are getting away with their places running down and being badly taken care of while still making money off of these people.

Title: ‘Why can't I recall yesterday?' Amnesia erases daily life for Army veteran

Army veteran Steve Ligeikis has an extreme case of amnesia that makes him not remember what he did yesterday. The article talks about his experiences and the problems that he goes through each day.

The problem is definitely Steve's brain because that is something that is not normal at all. The article says that he was searching his house looking for his cat, but the cat has been dead for 10 months. I found this extremely scary that that could happen.

Obviously, Steve has the problem because he has the amnesia. They are still running numerous tests on his brain to try and figure out if there is a cure or a way to fix is short term complete memory loss.

Title: Shivering dog needs a checkup at vet

Patty Kahuly writes about symptoms that shivering dogs have and what they could mean. It's a very detailed description with a lot of extremely good info that I would use if I had a dog!

The problem is figuring out exactly what problem the dog has. There are so many different possibilities going from pain to neurological diseases. Most pets can be diagnosed from either physical or behavioral issues.

Well, in this article, directly the veterinarian has the problem of figuring out exactly why the dog is shivering. But, I think you can also see it this way, that the dog has the problem because it is at the doctor.

Title: Bob Graham calls for Gov. Rick Scott to veto sweeping water reforms

Bob Graham is trying to get the governor to veto this certain bill. This bill calls for a weakening of protection of state waters pollution, waste and rising consumption. The week prior Florida House and Senate passed a series of bills yet only touched on this idea of water reforms. Hopefully they will figure this one out soon.

The problem is that if Rick Scott doesn't veto these water reform bills, Florida could be dealing with the same thing that Flint Michigan is dealing with right now. Currently the town of Flint is dealing with a major water crisis that happened because the lead pipes poisoned the water in the entire town.

Bob Graham has the problem because if Rick Scott doesn't veto this bill its going to be a mess in Florida and I'm sure Bob Graham knows very well of this. I guess you can say that Bob has the problem AND the solution to this mess!

Title: Keeping your home deal on track in the new year

Kenneth Harney gives a detailed overview on the housing market in 2016. He talks about the most common problems that arise while looking for a house and also while you are trying to sell a house as well.

The problems that Kenneth brings up are buyer financing setbacks, home inspection issues, and Appraisals that diverge from the agreed upon contract price. He continues by saying, "According to the study, of the 32 percent that experienced delays, 46 percent were triggered by "financing issues," which is up from 40 percent during the first half of 2015. Appraisal-related problems caused delays in 21 percent of transactions and home-inspection issues in 14 percent."

I think that the home buyers and sellers have the problem in this case. They are the people dealing with all these buyer financing setbacks and dealing with the terrible housing market that has been on the decline since the 2008 crash of the economy.



  1. Oh hello Jason,

    I thoroughly enjoyed your selection of articles especially the one discussing the current housing market for 2016. It is evident that financial setbacks is a problem for home owners as well as sellers. This is an opportunity for an entrepreneur to make better perhaps. Well done and good luck during the rest of your semester.

    Here's the link to my blog check it out!

  2. Hey Jason,
    Some awesome local opportunities here. I think one of the most interesting ones for me was that the housing market holds opportunities over the next year. Appraisals that are different prices than what people are actually getting for the house is reminiscent of 2008. It's going to be a running issue, especially in light of the rising interest rates forecasted over the next few years. In my blog post, I discuss senior housing too and how competition in the market may affect quality. Read more about it here
