Tuesday, January 19, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

1. Water Pollution
Water is essential for life and there are still places in this world that don't have access to clean water. Also in current times, Flint Michigan has a problem now with lead pipes poisoning their water supply and they are having to only drink out of water bottles.
Answer: There are already lots of water purifiers available now that work extremely well. There have been many technological advancements to this and there will be even better ones in the future. Clean water is a gift that we often overlook in our daily lives.

2. Over Population
Our population is reaching record breaking numbers and it is only increasing. We are using up all of Earth's resources and if we don't do anything about it we are going to run out and the prices of these resources will sky rocket. Also in under-developed countries where resources are already scarce, it's only a matter of time until these resources start running out.
Answer: We have to make the change right now to stop over using Earth's resources. I've heard that China is going back to their old rule where you can only have one child because their population is exploding so much now. Maybe U.S will do the same in the future if our population ends up like that.

3. Pollution 
Currently there are 1.2 BILLION cars in the world which all put out harmful emissions to our atmosphere. On top of that, industrial processes, waste disposal and fuel combustion are just a few of the many reasons why our pollution rates are at an all time high.
Answer: Buy an electric car and stop polluting. Also maybe we have to start contacting major factories and industrial sites and tell them to cut their emissions by a certain amount. Hopefully there are technological advancements in the near future to help reduce pollution because that would definitely help.

4. Global Warming
This also adds onto my #3. From all the pollution that our race causes, our climate changes are getting worse by the year. Global warming can lead to a steep increase in sea levels which could flood entire cities that are at sea level now. This could also lead to unusual weather patterns with anything from desertification to flash floods depending on the location.
Answer: Again, if everyone just stops being so short sighted and strives to make the world a better place each day we can reduce the amount of global warming that is happening right now. Electric cars will also extremely reduce the toxic emissions that are destroying our ozone.

5. Deforestation
I can't believe that this is actually one of the worlds biggest problems. Hopefully this stops soon too before the Amazon rain forest becomes the Amazon "desert." People are again doing this for the resources and land, when is in turn killing the homes of thousands of wild life as well as removing trees that live to produce oxygen for us.
Answer: Somehow make it illegal to chop down trees because they give us life. Also we should be planting more trees and plants to make up for all the damage we've done so far.

6. Ocean Acidification
Slowly but surely the acidic content of the ocean has been rising for the last two hundred and fifty years. If this rate stays constant, the ocean will be too acidic for life to form. The world is 70% water and this will eventually lead to the death of all ocean animals.
Answer: Dumping acidic waste into the oceans needs to stop immediately. Also hopefully there will be some technological advances in reducing the acidity of the ocean water which could completely solve the problem in its entirety. 

7. War and Terrorism
This has been a huge problem in the history of the human race. For some reason we feel like the only way to solve problems is with brute force and that needs to stop immediately because it doesn't need to happen. Especially now because multiple countries have access to nuclear bombs. 
Answer: Lets just all be friends and help each other make this world a better place instead of bombing it and making it into a nuclear wasteland! Deal with wars through peace treaties instead of with guns.

8. Obesity 
The U.S has the largest percentage of obese people per country coming in at 13% . Researchers say that over 2 billion people are obese in the world and that number is only rising. 
Answer: Obesity is an easy problem to fix if you are staying constant on working out and staying active as well as eating properly. People that only eat fast food for all their meals will become obese no matter how much you work out. Plus that is not healthy at all for you, have you even seen "Super Size Me?"

9. Unemployment 
In 2013 there were 73 million jobless people in the world. Hunger and homelessness are direct problems from this and it's definitely a huge social problem. Having a huge unemployment percentage is bad for the economy as well.
Answer: Lack of education and specific skills are the main reasons for this problem. If free college tuition becomes a thing, this could probably fix a big majority of this problem in the future. Some people also just choose not to work which is pretty crazy, but to each his own.

10. Drug abuse
Anything from peer pressure to wanting to try a new feeling or thrill can lead to drug abuse. Being in a family where there is already drug abuse in the parents could also lead to this as well. Drug abuse can completely alter your brain and personal functions and can even kill you if you are abusing a hard drug.
Answer: Drug rehab is a popular way to get out of drug abuse but I think the answer is actually just to catch yourself before you get addicted. Therapy can also help but you should primarily just live a life that can make you happy without the use of drugs. Don't get dependent on using a particular drug as well because that is when you know you become addicted to it.


  1. Hi Jason,

    You definitely covered many important problems facing the world today. Water pollution and ocean acidification really stood out to me. This is not to say that the other issues were not important; they all are.

    I will take you to task for a couple of statements though. For number 2, I actually heard recently that China is allowing people to have more children because the Chinese population is aging rapidly as a result of population control measures that have been in place for decades. Also, I would suggest you look up unemployment rates in the world again. Instead of 73 million unemployed across the world, the actual figure is over 200 million according to recent reports (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/more-than-200-million-people-were-unemployed-in-the-world-in-2013/). Thanks and don't forget to check out my list by clicking on the link below:

  2. Hi Jason
    i also think that pollution is one of the most important issues that we have to solve in a short period of time because the Earth which is our homeland gives us everything water, air, nature an so on. Therefore, we have to keep those things pure and healthy, only in this case our future generation also will be able to see this/
    Moreover, i didn't know that there 73 million people who are unemployed in the world and i think it was good to know about it. Definitely, Obesity is also very big problem too.

  3. http://sardorbek07.blogspot.com/2016/01/top-5-world-problems_27.html
    here is the lsit of problems which i thought
