Sunday, April 3, 2016

What's Next

Venture Concept:                  iPark App

Display currently available on-street parking spaces in real time.

Existing Market:

B2C:  All people who drive and have a smart phone

Step 1 What’s next:
A device that runs the iPark App that can be mounted on a car window or dashboard.  The device would seamlessly run the iPark App, and eliminate having to use a smart phone. 

Step 2              Interviews of customers in current market

General reaction was extremely positive.  There appears to be widespread frustration with parking, especially around UF. They also wanted a special detector device for parking spots, better pricing options and a location setting to see how far away the spot is.

Basically, knowing in advance where empty parking spaces are would save a lot of time and unnecessary fees in parking lots.

Step 3 Plans for growing existing market
·         Develop operational application       
·         Most important – ease of use
·         Market application
·         Advertising
·         Promotional activities
·         Social media
New Market:

Step 1              B2B:  Businesses who rely on customers driving to their location
·         Restaurants
·         Bars
·         Shopping
·         Professional Services
Step 2              Businesses could use the iPark App to advertise in real time how many parking spaces are currently available within a short distance to the business. 

Step 3              Interviews with business owners

Step 4              Results of interviews

                        All interviews were conducted with owners of small businesses downtown and midtown.  They all expressed that it is very difficult for their customers to park conveniently to get to their stores, and that they felt that the current parking situation hurts their business. 

They said the iPark App would be an incentive for people to visit their businesses, instead of going to other locations, like the mall for the sake of convenience.

                        Business owners also thought it might have the reverse effect – if the iPark App showed no available parking spots, that would discourage people from going to their businesses.

                        Also people might have a negative impression of the business if there are too many available parking spots – nobody wants to go there, not popular.

The B2B market appears to have some appeal for those businesses located in areas where only limited street parking is available.  However, there are some negative impressions of using the iPark App to increase their customers that would need to be overcome.

Due to some of the negative impressions, I don’t think the iPark App should be marketed B2B.  It should be limited to the B2C marketplace.  


  1. Hey Jason,
    I like your app idea. It could potentially be really helpful especially during the hectic parts of the day. It appears that you got really good feedback from your intended market, but there's some doubts with extending your market to local businesses. Your app for the new market however, could provide business owners with data showing the busy times of the day for parking. That data could allow them to decide whether they should expand, or do more in order to compensate for the limited parking. Overall cool idea, you should check out Downtown Disney's solution for parking, it isn't an app, but it could give you ideas on how to expand. Here's my blog

  2. Hi Jason,

    The app sounds like an interesting concept. People have expressed an interest in it as you have shown. However, I think it will be difficult to fund the electronic systems required to survey each parking space. Will it be funded by you or the business owners? The idea itself is great and would help a lot of business owners, as you have also shown.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t complete this assignment. My idea is a live music production company that records niche musicians and allows for streaming on premium streaming services. I really can’t find any similarities between our ideas. However, I think if you can fund this idea and make it profitable it can work.

    You can read my blog here.

  3. Hey Jason,
    i think your app idea iPark is going to be a widely used app in our society. It has potential and the idea is very unique. I agree with Dallon that the funding may be a problem when it comes to electronic systems. This app will defiantly be an asset to business owners.
    Check me out:

  4. Jason,

    I like the idea, I can definitely see it working, especially for people that frequent downtown areas where parking is limited most of the time. The only thing that I can see going wrong here is having a separate device just for that app. I not sure many people would go out of their ways to get such a thing, another gadget to crowd their dashboard. If maybe you worked with car companies and got it installed in their touchscreen system maybe that could work? or just make it available for the app store on or the android store. Aside from that, I love the idea and I can totally see it having a good customer base. Feel free to check out my post:

  5. Hi Jason! I also talked about the frustrations of parking in my video, and I wasn't sure what the best way to fix the issue was. I think you nailed it! I think using an app for everyday activities is the social norm now, and I think this would be in high demand for potential customers. I think business would love the thought of people coming to their stores more often because they would know that parking is available at or near their desired location. Great job! Unfortunately I did not complete this assignment, but check out my blog post here:
