Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept 2


-GPS located parking spots that will aid you to the closest desired parking spot in your location.

- Currently there is no app on the market that has the capabilities and functionalities that mine do.

-Prices of parking garages and meters will be shown on the app for easy functionality

-Tow away zones will be shown too so that people know that they can be towed.


This idea of a gps enabled parking app will allow for people to look on their phone and find the parking spot that will direct them to their spot. Many people complain on a day to day basis about how they have to drive around for 20 extra minutes to find a parking spot on a busy day. This would save time and everyone has already given me feedback that they like the idea. Also all the added features will help people pick which parking garages they want to go to as well as help them not get towed. Since it is a free app, everyone hopefully will download it to help themselves find parking more easily


This app will be free because I want to help this ever growing problem. There used to be a parking lot right behind midtown but now it is becoming yet another apartment complex. The amount of parking spots is decreasing and it is getting harder to find spots.

Since it is a free app everyone should be able to download it. I will hopefully get it released on apple
and android so that I can reach the most people as possible.

I decided to just get ad revenue from the app just to pay for the amount of work I personally put into creating the app as well as making it free. I'll probably just make there be 1 add when you pull it up just to generate a little bit of profit.

I will also put an advice board in the app for people to send advice on what they want me to change on the app and I will always listen and probably add the things they want. This will keep customers happy and keep them using my app.


In my earlier posts. I described how people are constantly getting frustrated with the fact that they have to drive around town to try and find a single parking spot. There are so many people that drive and there still isn't an app out there like this one. I have already been talking to a lot of smart app developer friends and we decided to start mapping out the areas around town and finding all the places to park and then putting locations down on a google map format of where the parking spots are. This will then show the user of the app where all the available spots are in their area. Also I wanted to make it free because it is easier for an app to blow up when it is free because most people don't like spending money on simple apps. I think i'm going to continue going on with this idea and bettering it until I finally release it! I drive around campus all the time and always wish I had it. Hopefully it comes out soon so that I can help people as soon as possible!


  1. Dude, if you could get this product to me right now that'd be awesome! Finding parking here is always terrible. I've spent over an hour searching for parking and even missed a class once. Needless to say, this would be a lifesaver for me. I love the idea and your concept is well thought out and explained. I also love the pic you used. It takes away some of the seriousness and adds a little humor. Overall, great job and please develop this app- I'll be your first customer!
    Here's a link to my post if you'd like to check out my venture:

  2. This is a great product. My friend actually did something similar with an App to find open tables and outlets in the library. This definitely seems like a venture the two of you could work on together since they're such similar concepts.

    You can check out my blog at this link.

  3. Hey Jason,

    I really like this post and this idea! I actually just commented on a blog with the same idea so if you really are thinking about making this a real thing then you should start now because a lot of people are trying to fix parking at UF. I also really liked the layout of your post because it made it really easy to read. Great post! Take a look at mine here:
