Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1.) Hi again, for those of you who didn't read my Idea napkin No. 1, my name is Jason Horecky. I'm a very musically talented individual who loves meeting new people, playing basketball and tennis. My Idea for my first napkin was an app that displays all open parking spots around your area to help you find a spot quickly instead of driving around the block multiple times looking for one. I have a car and especially in Gainesville I noticed how terrible parking was and I decided to come up with an app to fix this problem. This app could potentially save me lots of time and even make me some money on the side through ad revenues.

2.) I'm offering a free app that will show you very clearly and easily what parking spots are open around your area. There are also a lot of little functions to the app that make it easier to drive around a town that you don't necessarily know. For example there will be features showing all tow away areas so that you don't accidentally park in a spot and get towed without knowing. There will be options to notify your phone whenever a certain, or multiple spots open up that you wanted to take. Also if you click on parking garages it will let you know the capacity of them as well as how many spots are left. We will keep continually adding new features to it as well once we get feedback from customers.

3.) I'll be offering this app to everyone. Since most people now have smart phones and cars, a simple search on the app store is all you would need to do. I'm trying to get this app out there because the more people download it the more people will use it. I want to help as many people as possible because I know i'll definitely be using it once it comes out.

4.) Reading the feedback that my fellow peers said to me, they all said that they would love to have this app! Alot of them really pushed me on to actually get this going and I think I actually am! It will save time and effort and definitely keep you sane while trying to find a spot near you.

5.) What sets me apart is that I'm always in this to help people. No matter what I do in my life i'll always be there for people and do my best to make everyone else's lives easier. I know everyone has extremely hard lives so I'll do all that I can to help that. I also have made hundreds of valuable connections here at UF that will help me with my ideas and actually get them going.

I think that the only thing left for me to do is get in contact with a computer science/tech guy and ask them what needs to get done to start working on this app. I have some friends that are extremely smart computer engineers and I think I'll start by asking them. They have already made multiple apps on the app store so I'm pretty sure we can figure out how to do this one correctly. All the feedback that I got was very good. The only negative thing that was said was that they were wondering if I had gotten in contact with some IT guy to start the app since I don't have any experience with coding and programming. But as I explained earlier I have close friends that have already said they would help me create this app! I believe that every part of my app works together well and that once I start actually using it, i'll get more feedback and implement it immediately to make the app as good as possible. I'm very excited to start working on this because everyone would be able to use it and it would save a lot of time and help people find the parking spots they need with ease!


  1. Jason,
    This is fantastic! Living off campus, I know how hard it is to find a parking spot at times. If this is something you follow through with, I would definitely benefit from it, as well as many other students. If you get a chance, check out my idea napkin!

  2. Hi Jason!
    This is such a great idea and so many students would love to take advantage of this service! You can tell that you took a lot of time to thoroughly think the process of implementation and the resources needed to not only be effective but efficient. I really like the way that you were able to implement all of the feedback that you received from the comments on your initial idea napkin. Awesome job with this assignment!
    You can check out my blog at

  3. Hi Jason,
    I have to say that you have a great idea here. I love how you want to help student like me, who live off campus that is very hard to find a parking space. even though, some other classmates have a similar idea to this one. I most say that yours is one of the best ones, it is different and clever. you also received a very good feedback and that is always helpful. here is my blog, i hope you check it out

  4. Hi Jason, great idea! It is nice to see how your feedback helped you adjust your idea in more than one ways. It is great to have other support you and your idea. Have you thought about opening your target market to more than just college students? I received similar feedback, the supporters to my cause were great! good luck, and I hope you move forward with your idea! Check out my blog:
