Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

10 resources  I already posses

1. I have a large amount of financial capital 
- To have a successful business you need to have a large amount of financial capital and I have obtained a large amount of capital. I've obtained this throughout the years through hard work and dedication.
2. Will attain a business degree from a great university
The University of Florida is an amazing university and getting a degree from here would really set me apart after college.
3. This degree will help me take out bank loans if needed
Banks do not give out loans to people who are financially unstable because that is extremely risky. If you have a degree from a great university you can get bank loans to help you get your business started
4. Great support from my family
My family support is amazing. My family is super supportive and will always be there to help me through everything I do in my life.
5. A creative mind useful for business ventures
Ever since I was little I just realized that i have a creative mind and I love coming up with new ideas! This will definitely help me in the future.
6. Advisors at my college who can answer questions I have
Sometimes I don't know exactly what I need to do so i'll go to my college and talk to my advisors and they always help me out and put me in the best possible position!
7. Previous bosses who are entrepreneurs who can mentor me
I've had a few jobs and internships where my bosses were very succesful businessmen and I know I can always ask them to mentor me and help me in my ways.
8.  experience working in startup companies
This is a really good resource because it allowed me to see how start-ups work and run so that if I ever have to start one up myself I would know how to do it.
9. Graphic design and personal branding skills
I've learned over the years how to do graphic design on the computer and having a brand has taught me how to keep it professional and to be successful in it. 
10. Music making skills
I know how to make professional music and I plan on keeping up with it and improving over the years. 

I think the most important advantage I have is my education. Being a Florida Gator is such a blessing and I know that once I graduate i'll have a great degree. This is the best school in Florida and definitely one of the top schools in the nation. Gators also help out Gators so I know that I will be put in the best possible position from just having a degree from this school. Also it allows me to get a masters degree from this school if I decide to do that as well.


  1. I think that you have some great advantages to help you along the way with building your venture. I like that you listed your education here at UF as your biggest advantage because I think that everyone in this class would like to think along those same lines in that our degree is worth a little more than other’s will be. Good job.

  2. I think you have a lot of great advantages. I could pick out a couple to be the most important one from reading your blog, but I agree with you that your education is definitely on the top. I also think that your networking from previous jobs and employers is a great advantage that should not be overlooked. I also used my education as an advantage, and I think that many people overlook this. Overall, it seems like this was very thought out. Check out my blog at
